

Hello friends, today is a two post blog day, so if you’ve missed the other one, just click on the blog header to see them all.
I’m sure you’d agree that memory keeping comes in all different formats, so you might not be surprised by the form it takes today in this blog post!
For many years, Mr B has been attending an air show in Florida, called Sun ‘n’ Fun, where he ogles all the airplanes and buys the t-shirts.  Then he brings them home (the t-shirts) to safely hoard in his closet.  His reasoning is, besides the graphics that just make you happy looking at them, they are a reminder of the years he’s attended and the fun he had there.  So I decided to get them out where they could be remembered and enjoyed everyday.
All I did was cut the front of the t-shirt from the back, wrap it around a stretched canvas and staple it on the back being careful to keep it centered and the words straight.
There are more photos and instructionals over on the Love is in the Details blog so click on over if you’re interested in them.
Shortly, these will all adorn Mr B’s little airplane hangar, but for now they are hanging in his home office.
Thanks for stopping by today!

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