Contest Closed.
Thank you all for hitting subscribe and leaving a comment! Lisa Hart you are the winner! Please contact me with your mailing address!

Hi friends, welcome to my new home on the web! I’ve just recently switched over from my old blog to this fancy new website complete with my own domain name and today I want to celebrate! We’ve moved over a few of the posts from the old site and with time, more of them will appear over here as well, but in the meantime, take a look around and see what you think!
I’d love for you to subscribe so that you’ll receive my posts in your inbox and you won’t miss a thing, whether it’s a newly created card or layout or craft project, or a video, blog hop or a dynamite sale that I think you’d appreciate hearing about. I post a lot on Instagram and Facebook, but here is where you’ll find all the details about the products and techniques I’ve used, along with more photos and sometimes, videos!
What’s a celebration without presents?? If you subscribe today (see the right hand sidebar for the subscribe box) and leave me a comment below, at the end of the week I will draw a name to receive the prize pack below! It includes a Hero Arts layering stamp set, a set of Altenew inks (the Cherry Blossom series), a package of my favorite strong adhesive and some enamel dots!

Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate each and every one of you; I consider you all my Friends That I Haven’t Met Yet, and I hope to see you regularly!